About Beaufort

Learn more about Beaufort Energy and our mission in the energy sector.

Our Mission, Vision, and Values

At Beaufort Energy, our mission is to revolutionise the energy sector through innovative trading strategies. We envision a future where sustainable energy solutions drive economic growth and environmental stewardship. Our core values of integrity, collaboration, excellence and transparency guide our every decision.


We uphold ethical values in every aspect of our operations.


We foster a culture of teamwork for innovative and shared success.


We relentlessly pursue excellence in all we do, raising industry standards.


We instill trust through an open and transparent decision-making processes.
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Backed by Roscommon Analytics

At Beaufort Energy, we leverage the expertise of Roscommon Analytics to drive our energy trading and development strategies. With their support, we are able to navigate the complexities of the EU markets and make informed decisions that maximise returns for our investors.

Meet Our Team

Our team consists of highly skilled professionals in the energy sector.

Beaufort Energy David Brookes
David Brookes
Managing Director & Founder
Beaufort Energy Floris Staal
Floris Staal
Senior Power Trader
Beaufort Energy Ingo Klause
Ingo Klause
Lead Trader, European Power
Beaufort Energy Patrick Semark
Patrick Semark
Options Trader
Beaufort Energy Peter Austing
Peter Austing
Options Trader
Beaufort Energy Ben Lucas
Ben Lucas
Head of Analytics
Beaufort Energy Guglielmo Dellarole
Guglielmo Dellarole
Senior Emissions Trader

Connect with us

Learn more about our energy trading and development services in the EU market.